Go forth upon thy journey, Christian soul! Go from this world!
Go, in the name of God the omnipotent Father, who created thee!
Go, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, Son of the living God, who bled for thee!
Go, in the name of the Holy Spirit, who hath been poured out on thee!
May thy dwelling be the Holy Mount of Zion, through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen.
On behalf of the priests, religious, and staff of the Church of Saint Joseph, please accept our deepest prayers and condolences as you mourn the loss of a loved one. The sadness of death is not forgotten in our Sacred Liturgy, but we are also reminded of Our Lord’s promise of resurrected life. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, offered for the repose of the soul of the departed, offers us the chance to join our grief to the hopefulness of the heavenly liturgy, where every tear will be wiped away.
The Church of Saint Joseph is pleased to offer its parishioners and friends the Mass of Christian Burial as a means of consolation for the living, as well as grace-filled assistance for the deceased.
These rites, which typically include a Wake Service at the funeral home, the offering of Holy Mass, and a Burial Service at the cemetery, enable the family and friends of the deceased to pray for their loved one’s soul, as well as to remember the promise of eternal life extended to all believers by the hands of the Lord.
Included below are the options for the offering of a Mass at the Church of Saint Joseph. We encourage family members and friends to take part in the Mass by reading the First Reading, Second Reading, and the Prayer of the Faithful from the side lectern (other readings taken from Sacred Scripture are permitted after approval from the attending priest); in addition, we invite you to present the gifts of bread and wine, which will be transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ Himself. Copies of the readings are listed, as well as the musical selections for the Mass.
Normally, individual tributes or eulogies should be reserved for the Wake Service the afternoon or evening before the day of the Funeral Mass or for a reception following: the homily at Mass is when the priest will preach on the Gospel and make specific references to the deceased. If ardently desired, one family member or friend may read a short (3-5 minute) tribute at Mass. This tribute should reflect on the faith of the deceased; other comments are best left to the Wake or Burial Services. In addition, this eulogy should be prepared before the Wake Service and made available to the priest before the Mass.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask the staff of the funeral home or the priest who conducts the Wake Service. Know of our thoughts for you, and our prayers for your deceased loved one.
Please complete both the Funeral Mass Information sheet and the Music Selection sheet. Kindly return both forms to the Funeral Home or Church Rectory.